9:00amVirtual Worship Services -Channel #18 (TR)
10:30amDaily Chronicles (1FDR)
11:15amMorning Cycling (FC)
1:15pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
8:30amOne step at a Time *Walking Group* (WC)
9:45amExercise Class with Jeanie (2FDR)
10:00amWii Bowling (FL)
10:30amManicures (CR)
1:00pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
2:30pmBingo (2FDR)
3:30pmBingo Market (2FDR)
4:00pmTED Talks-"Technology" (TR)
8:00amPersonal Transporation Rides (Sign up at the Front desk) (FL)
10:30amMorning Cycling (WC)
1:30pmMimsoa Social and Ambassador Meeting (2FDR)
2:00pmBible study with Arni (CR)
3:00pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
3:30pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
8:30amOne step at a Time Walking Group (LA)
9:30amChair Exercise (2FDR)
10:00amWii Bowling (FL)
10:30amWalmart Trip (LA)
1:00pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
2:00pmKeenage Singer- Christmas concert (2FDR)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (DR)
8:00amPersonal Transporation Rides (Sign up at the Front desk) (FL)
9:00amDaily Chronicles (RP)
10:00amChair Yoga with Heather (2FDR)
10:35amTrivia (2FDR)
1:00pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (LA)
2:30pmBingo (2FDR)
3:30pmBingo Market (2FDR)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
9:00amDaily Chronicles (RP)
9:45amChair Exercise (2FDR)
10:35amCard making with Paula (CR)
1:30pmTED Talks- "Science" (TR)
3:00pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
4:15pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
9:00amOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
9:30amDaily Chronicles (FL)
10:00amWii Bowling (FL)
1:30pmBingo Bash (2FDR)
2:30pmBingo Market (2FDR)
3:00pmAfternoon Cycling (FC)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
9:00amVirtual Worship Services -Channel #18 (TR)
10:30amDaily Chronicles (1FDR)
11:15amMorning Cycling (FC)
1:15pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
2:30pmChapel Services with Pastor Angelo (2FDR)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
8:30amOne step at a Time *Walking Group* (WC)
9:45amExercise Class with Jeanie (2FDR)
10:00amWii Bowling (FL)
10:00amBook Mobile (CR)
1:00pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
2:00pmEntertainment by Lindy (2FDR)
4:00pmTED Talks- "Science" (TR)
8:00amPersonal Transporation Rides (Sign up at the Front desk) (FL)
10:00amOptimal - Vital Clinic (FC)
10:30amMorning Cycling (WC)
2:00pmBible study with Arni (CR)
2:30pmBingo (2FDR)
3:30pmBingo Market (2FDR)
3:30pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
8:30amOne step at a Time Walking Group (LA)
9:30amChair Exercise (2FDR)
10:00amWii Bowling (FL)
10:30amOlive Garden luncheon trip (FL)
1:00pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
2:30pmEntertainment by oldy's Gold (2FDR)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (DR)
8:00amPersonal Transporation Rides (Sign up at the Front desk) (FL)
9:00amDaily Chronicles (RP)
10:00amChair Yoga with Heather (2FDR)
10:35amBocce Ball (2FDR)
1:00pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (LA)
2:30pmEntertainment by Sydney (2FDR)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
9:00amDaily Chronicles (RP)
9:45amChair Exercise (2FDR)
10:35amPainting Class (CR)
1:30pmTED Talks-"Technology" (TR)
2:30pmEntertainment by Oliver Mueller (2FDR)
3:00pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
4:15pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
9:00amOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
9:30amDaily Chronicles (FL)
10:00amDance Factory Production (2FDR)
1:30pmSong of the Season concert trip (2FDR)
2:30pmChristmas Movie (FL)
3:00pmAfternoon Cycling (FC)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
9:00amVirtual Worship Services -Channel #18 (TR)
10:30amDaily Chronicles (1FDR)
11:15amMorning Cycling (FC)
1:15pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
2:30pmChapel Services with Pastor Meek (2FDR)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
8:30amOne step at a Time *Walking Group* (WC)
9:45amExercise Class with Jeanie (2FDR)
10:00amWii Bowling (FL)
10:30amManicures (CR)
1:00pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
2:30pmBingo (2FDR)
3:30pmBingo Market (2FDR)
4:00pmTED Talks- "Global Issues" (TR)
8:00amPersonal Transporation Rides (Sign up at the Front desk) (FL)
10:30amMorning Cycling (WC)
10:30amTea Club with Sandra (2FLR)
1:30pmHot Coco Social (2FDR)
2:00pmBible study with Arni (CR)
3:00pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
3:30pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
8:30amOne step at a Time Walking Group (LA)
9:30amChair Exercise (2FDR)
10:00amWii Bowling (FL)
10:30amTarget- Trip (FL)
1:00pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (DR)
8:00amPersonal Transporation Rides (Sign up at the Front desk) (FL)
9:00amDaily Chronicles (RP)
10:00amChair Yoga with Heather (2FDR)
10:35am Trivia (2FDR)
1:15pmBingo (2FDR)
2:30pmBingo Market (2FDR)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
9:00amDaily Chronicles (RP)
9:45amChair Exercise (2FDR)
10:35amFlower Arrangement class (CR)
1:30pmTED Talks- "Global Issues" (TR)
2:30pmCommunity Christmas Celebration with Entertainment by Aron (2FDR)
3:00pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
4:15pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
9:00amOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
9:30amDaily Chronicles (FL)
10:00amWii Bowling (FL)
11:00amChristmas Luncheon (FL)
1:30pmBingo Bash (2FDR)
2:30pmBingo Market (2FDR)
3:00pmAfternoon Cycling (FC)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
9:00amVirtual Worship Services -Channel #18 (TR)
10:30amDaily Chronicles (1FDR)
11:15amMorning Cycling (FC)
1:30pmChristmas Carols (Door to door)
2:30pmChapel services with Pastor Angelo (2FDR)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
8:30amOne step at a Time *Walking Group* (WC)
9:45amExercise Class with Jeanie (2FDR)
10:00amWii Bowling (FL)
10:00amBook Mobile (CR)
1:00pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
2:30pmBingo (2FDR)
3:30pmBingo Market (2FDR)
4:00pmTED Talks- "Design" (TR)
8:00amPersonal Transporation Rides (Sign up at the Front desk) (FL)
10:30amMorning Cycling (WC)
2:00pmThe Lodge Singers - Christmas Melodies (2FDR)
2:00pmBible study with Arni (CR)
3:00pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
3:30pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
Christmas Day
8:30amOne step at a Time Walking Group (LA)
10:00amChristmas Entertainment by Greg (2FDR)
1:00pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (DR)
8:00amPersonal Transporation Rides (Sign up at the Front desk) (FL)
9:00amDaily Chronicles (RP)
10:00amChair Yoga with Heather (2FDR)
10:35amBocce Ball (2FDR)
1:00pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (LA)
1:30pmResident Council (2FDR)
2:00pmBob the Motivational Speaker (2FDR)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
9:00amDaily Chronicles (RP)
9:45amChair Exercise (2FDR)
10:35amWinter craft class (CR)
1:30pmTED Talks- "Global Issues" (TR)
2:30pmEntertainment by Greg & Will (2FDR)
3:00pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
4:15pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
9:00amOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
9:30amDaily Chronicles (FL)
10:00amWii Bowling (FL)
2:30pmMovie Matinee (Resident Choice) (2FDR)
3:00pmAfternoon Cycling (FC)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
9:00amVirtual Worship Services -Channel #18 (TR)
11:15amMorning Cycling (FC)
1:15pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
2:30pmChapel Services with Pastor Angelo (2FDR)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
8:30amOne step at a Time *Walking Group* (WC)
9:45amExercise Class with Jeanie (2FDR)
10:00amWii Bowling (FL)
1:00pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
2:30pmBingo (2FDR)
3:30pmBingo Market (2FDR)
New Year's Eve
8:00amPersonal Transporation Rides (Sign up at the Front desk) (FL)
10:30amMorning Cycling (WC)
2:00pmBible study with Arni (CR)
2:30pmNew Year's Eve- Celebration (2FDR)
3:00pmOne step at a Time Walking Group (WC)
3:30pmDaily Chronicles (RP)
4:00pmAfternoon Chat (1FDR)
| LOCATION 1st Floor Dining Room (1FDR) 2nd Floor Dining Room (2FDR) 2nd Floor Dining Room (Door to door) 2nd Floor living Room (2FLR) Community Room (CR) Dining Room (DR) Fitness Center (FC) Front Lobby (FL) Lobby area (LA) Room Pass (RP) Theater Room (TR) Whole Community (WC) |
Be Adventurous
Be Challenged
Be Connected
Be Family
Be Inspired
Be Social
Be Well
One Challenge
One Reflection
One Step
This is Your Life
Vibrant Life Inspires
Ambassador Club
Gold Key Club
Traditions To Table
Food For Thought