July 2024 Generations Calendar
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9:30amMorning exercise with Megan! (In/Out)
10:00am Brain/Memory Exercises - Word Search/Crossword (In/Out)
10:30amNature or Historical Documentary (AR)
1:30pmWii Bowling - Resident Led (AR)
2:30pmCard Games with Friends (AR)
6:00pm Walk your way to better health! (AR)
9:30amExercise Groove with Megan! (AR)
10:30amDocumentary (AR)
1:00pmYoga with Patti! (AR)
2:00pmTravel Club - Norway
2:00pmBingo! (AR)
6:00pm15 minute walk challenge! (AR)
6:15pmBook Club - See Sandra C. To sign up and for Details (AR)
9:30amMorning Exercise with Mike! (In/Out)
10:00amDocumentary (AR)
10:00amShopping Outing - Sign up at Concierge (OUT)
1:30pmTreats and Trivia (AR)
2:30pmLDS Gospel Doctrine Class (AR)
5:30pmEvening Walk count your steps! (In/Out)
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
6:15pmBook Club - See Sandra C. to sign up and for details (Lib)
9:30amStretch & Move (AR)
10:30amHistorical Documentary (AR)
1:00pmBINGO! (AR)
2:00pmCard Games with Friends (LobLR)
3:00pmResident Council Meeting - council members only (AR)
6:00pmEvening stroll ! (In/Out)
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
9:30amMorning Walk with Weights (AR)
10:00amScenic Outing - Check Concierge for Details (OUT)
1:00pmTravel Documentary (AR)
3:00pmWine and Cheese Social (LobLR)
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
10:00amSit and Fit (AR)
10:30amChair Exercises (AR)
1:00pmBINGO (AR)
2:00pmArt Class (AR)
3:00pmNature Documentary (AR)
6:00pmCard Games with Friends (AR)
6:00pmEvening Walk ! (In/Out)
7:00amMorning Stretch & Move (RM)
9:30am"Music and the Spoken Word" Broadcast (RM)
10:30amCatholic Church Services (AR)
2:00pmLDS Church Services (AR)
3:30pmWonderful Walking
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
9:30amMorning exercise with Megan! (In/Out)
10:00am Brain/Memory Exercises - Word Search/Crossword (In/Out)
10:30amNature or Historical Documentary (AR)
1:30pmWii Bowling - Resident Led (AR)
2:30pmCard Games with Friends (AR)
6:00pm Walk your way to better health! (AR)
9:30amExercise Groove with Megan! (AR)
10:30amDocumentary (AR)
1:00pmYoga with Patti! (AR)
2:00pmBingo! (AR)
6:00pm15 minute walk challenge! (AR)
6:15pmBook Club - See Sandra C. To sign up and for Details (AR)
9:30amMorning Exercise with Mike! (In/Out)
10:00amDocumentary (AR)
10:00amShopping Outing - Sign up at Concierge (OUT)
1:30pmTreats and Trivia (AR)
2:30pmLDS Relief Society & Priesthood (AR)
5:30pmEvening Walk count your steps! (In/Out)
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
6:15pmBook Club - See Sandra C. to sign up and for details (Lib)
9:30amStretch & Move (AR)
10:30amHistorical Documentary (AR)
1:00pmBINGO! (AR)
2:00pmCard Games with Friends (LobLR)
3:00pmResidents Meeting with Resident Council (AR)
6:00pmEvening stroll ! (In/Out)
9:30amMorning Walk with Weights (AR)
10:00amScenic Outing - Check Concierge for Details (OUT)
1:30pmJournaling your Life! (AR)
2:00pmJanuary Birthday Party! (AR)
3:00pmWine and Cheese Social (LobLR)
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
10:30amChair Exercises (AR)
1:00pmBINGO (AR)
2:00pmArt Class (AR)
3:00pmNature Documentary (AR)
6:00pmCard Games with Friends (AR)
6:00pmEvening Walk ! (In/Out)
7:00amMorning Stretch & Move (RM)
9:30am"Music and the Spoken Word" Broadcast (RM)
10:30amCatholic Church Services (AR)
2:00pmLDS Church Services (AR)
3:30pmWonderful Walking
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
9:30amMorning exercise with Megan! (In/Out)
10:00am Brain/Memory Exercises - Word Search/Crossword (In/Out)
10:30amNature or Historical Documentary (AR)
1:30pmWii Bowling - Resident Led (AR)
2:30pmCard Games with Friends (AR)
6:00pm Walk your way to better health! (AR)
9:30amExercise Groove with Megan! (AR)
10:30amDocumentary (AR)
1:00pmYoga with Patti! (AR)
2:00pmBingo! (AR)
6:00pm15 minute walk challenge! (AR)
6:15pmBook Club - See Sandra C. To sign up and for Details (AR)
9:30amMorning Exercise with Mike! (In/Out)
10:00amDocumentary (AR)
10:00amShopping Outing - Sign up at Concierge (OUT)
1:00pmDart Board Competition (AR)
1:30pmTreats and Trivia (AR)
2:30pmLDS Gospel Doctrine Class (AR)
5:30pmEvening Walk count your steps! (In/Out)
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
6:15pmBook Club - See Sandra C. to sign up and for details (Lib)
9:30amStretch & Move (AR)
10:30amHistorical Documentary (AR)
1:00pmBINGO! (AR)
2:00pmCard Games with Friends (LobLR)
3:00pmFood Forum with Chef Chris (AR)
6:00pmEvening stroll ! (In/Out)
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
9:30amMorning Walk with Weights (AR)
10:00amScenic Outing - Check Concierge for Details (OUT)
1:00pmTravel Documentary (AR)
3:00pmWine and Cheese Social (LobLR)
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
10:00amSit and Fit (AR)
10:30amChair Exercises (AR)
1:00pmBINGO (AR)
2:00pmArt Class (AR)
3:00pmNature Documentary (AR)
6:00pmCard Games with Friends (AR)
6:00pmEvening Walk ! (In/Out)
7:00amMorning Stretch & Move (RM)
9:30am"Music and the Spoken Word" Broadcast (RM)
10:30amCatholic Church Services (AR)
2:00pmLDS Church Services (AR)
3:30pmWonderful Walking
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
9:30amMorning exercise with Megan! (In/Out)
10:00am Brain/Memory Exercises - Word Search/Crossword (In/Out)
10:30amNature or Historical Documentary (AR)
1:30pmWii Bowling - Resident Led (AR)
2:30pmCard Games with Friends (AR)
6:00pm Walk your way to better health! (AR)
6:00pmMerrill Smith Piano Music (LobLR)
9:30amExercise Groove with Megan! (AR)
10:30amDocumentary (AR)
1:00pmYoga with Patti! (AR)
2:00pmBingo! (AR)
6:00pm15 minute walk challenge! (AR)
6:15pmBook Club - See Sandra C. To sign up and for Details (AR)
9:30amMorning Exercise with Mike! (In/Out)
10:00amDocumentary (AR)
10:00amShopping Outing - Sign up at Concierge (OUT)
1:30pmTreats and Trivia (AR)
2:30pmLDS Relief Society & Priesthood (AR)
5:30pmEvening Walk count your steps! (In/Out)
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
6:15pmBook Club - See Sandra C. to sign up and for details (Lib)
9:30amStretch & Move (AR)
10:30amHistorical Documentary (AR)
1:00pmBINGO! (AR)
2:00pmCard Games with Friends (LobLR)
3:00pmVibrant Life Meeting (AR)
3:30pmTown Hall with Executive Director (AR)
6:00pmEvening stroll ! (In/Out)
9:30amMorning Walk with Weights (AR)
10:00amScenic Outing - Check Concierge for Details (OUT)
1:30pmJournaling your Life! (AR)
3:00pmWine and Cheese Social (LobLR)
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
6:30pmEntertainment - Scott Larrabee (LobLR)
10:30amChair Exercises (AR)
1:00pmBINGO (AR)
2:00pmArt Class (AR)
3:00pmNature Documentary (AR)
6:00pmCard Games with Friends (AR)
6:00pmEvening Walk ! (In/Out)
7:00amMorning Stretch & Move (RM)
9:30am"Music and the Spoken Word" Broadcast (RM)
10:30amCatholic Church Services (AR)
2:00pmLDS Church Services (AR)
3:30pmWonderful Walking
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
9:30amMorning exercise with Megan! (In/Out)
10:00am Brain/Memory Exercises - Word Search/Crossword (In/Out)
10:30amNature or Historical Documentary (AR)
1:30pmWii Bowling - Resident Led (AR)
2:30pmCard Games with Friends (AR)
6:00pm Walk your way to better health! (AR)
9:30amExercise Groove with Megan! (AR)
10:30amDocumentary (AR)
1:00pmYoga with Patti! (AR)
2:00pmBingo! (AR)
6:00pm15 minute walk challenge! (AR)
6:15pmBook Club - See Sandra C. To sign up and for Details (AR)
9:30amMorning Exercise with Mike! (In/Out)
10:00amDocumentary (AR)
10:00amShopping Outing - Sign up at Concierge (OUT)
1:30pmTreats and Trivia (AR)
2:00pmSit and Stretch (AR)
2:30pmLDS Doctrine (AR)
5:30pmEvening Walk count your steps! (In/Out)
6:00pmMovie Night (AR)
6:15pmBook Club - See Sandra C. to sign up and for details (Lib)
Activity Room (AR)
Inside or Outside (In/Out)
Library Area (Lib)
Lobby Living Room (LobLR)
Outside (OUT)
Your Room (RM)
Be Adventurous
Be Challenged
Be Connected
Be Family
Be Inspired
Be Social
Be Well
One Challenge
One Reflection
One Step
This is Your Life
Vibrant Life Inspires
Ambassador Club
Gold Key Club
Traditions To Table
Food For Thought