February 2025 Assisted Living Event Calendar
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1st Floor (1 FLOOR)
1st Floor Library (1FL)
1st Floor Main Dining Room (1FMDR)
1st floor Library (1st Fl)
1st floor Main Dining Room (1ST FL)
1st floor Main Dining Room (1st fl)
1st floor Main Dining Room (6th L)
1st floor Vibrant Life Center (1FVLC)
1st floor Vibrant Life Center (1ST FL)
5th Floor Game Room (5 floor)
6 (6th Fl)
6th Floor Sky Lounge (6FSL)
6th Floor Sky Lounge (6th Fl)
6th Floor Sky Lounge (6th L)
Activity Room (AR)
GAME ROOM (5 floor)
Game Room (5th GR)
Main Dining Room (1 FLOOR)
Theater (3rd fl)
Vibrant Life Center (VLC)
Be Adventurous
Be Challenged
Be Connected
Be Family
Be Inspired
Be Social
Be Well
One Challenge
One Reflection
One Step
This is Your Life
Vibrant Life Inspires
Ambassador Club
Gold Key Club
Traditions To Table
Food For Thought
4 2, Francie K..
4 2, Frank T..
7 2, Melvin G..
9 2, Martha B..
11 2, Rita M..
13 2, Carol L..
17 2, Cynthia C..
18 2, Jennifer R..
26 2, Shelia K..
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
12:00pmDraw The Image! (VLC)
1:00pmDocumentary Showings! (VLC)
1:30pm Sweet Bingo (5th GR)
2:00pmTea and Coffee Social (VLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour (1 FLOOR)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amRiddle Sunday! (VLC)
1:00pmPoetry Class with Ralph (6th Fl)
1:30pmSweet Bingo (5th GR)
3:00pmGin Rummy Card Game! (VLC)
3:00pmLet's Organize The Library (1FL)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amIda B. Wells: A Chicago Story Special Documentary (1FVLC)
10:30amLet's Go Shopping! (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amDance Class with Leia (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amMemory Card Game! (VLC)
12:00pmNational Carrot Cake Day! (1FVLC)
12:30pmMidday Meditation (1FVLC)
1:00pm Baking Class! (VLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour (6th L)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
7:00pmTable Games (VLC)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amBlack Inventors That Changed The World! (1FVLC)
10:30amFind the Hidden Objects in the Photos (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amResident Store Open (1 FLOOR)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amHangman Word Game! (VLC)
11:45amMusic with Alexa in the VLC! (1FVLC)
11:50amWater Room Plants! (VLC)
1:00pmTed Talk Tuesdays (VLC)
1:30pmPo-Ke-No Games! (5 floor)
3:00pmHappy Hour and Performance from The Tradewinds! (6th L)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:00amBrain Fitness with California Game Girls (VLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amArts and Crafts! (1FVLC)
12:00pmConcert Showing!
1:00pmActivities Planning Meeting (VLC)
1:30pmFlower Arranging! (AR)
1:30pmMoney Bingo (5 floor)
2:30pmLearn About African American Music
3:00pmHappy Hour and Black History Trivia! (6FSL)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amStretch Class! (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amPaint and Sip (VLC)
11:30amResident Store Open (1 FLOOR)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
12:00pmSpot The Difference in the Pictures! (1FVLC)
12:00pmTech Help! (1ST FL)
1:30pmNational Frozen Yogurt Day! (1FVLC)
2:00pmPower Half Hour with Tom (VLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour! Trivia Thursday (6th Fl)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amCome and Cook with the VLC! Bacon, Ranch and Cheese Dip (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amPhotography and Develops! (1FVLC)
12:00pmGroup Word Search Game! (1FVLC)
12:00pmBallet Showings! (VLC)
1:30pmYarn Crafts! (1FVLC)
2:30pmExercise with Ziv (1FVLC)
2:30pmColoring Extravaganza! (1FVLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour Karaoke Fridays! (6th Fl)
4:00pm Crossword Puzzle Led by Staff (6th Fl)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amNational Pork Rind Day! (1FVLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
12:00pmDraw The Image! (VLC)
1:00pmDocumentary Showings! (VLC)
1:30pm Sweet Bingo (5th GR)
3:00pmHappy Hour (1 FLOOR)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amRiddle Sunday! (VLC)
12:00pmTech Help! (VLC)
1:00pmPoetry Class with Ralph (6th Fl)
1:30pmSweet Bingo (5th GR)
3:00pmGin Rummy Card Game! (VLC)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
8:00amCW: Dress as your favorite character from Friends! (1FVLC)
8:00amHappy Culture Week! Theme: Friendship (1FVLC)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amLet's Go Shopping! (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amDance Class with Leia (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amMemory Card Game! (VLC)
11:45amFriendship Wreaths (1FVLC)
12:30pmMidday Meditation (1FVLC)
1:00pm Baking Class! (VLC)
1:30pmBlack History Month Word Search! (1FVLC)
2:30pmExplore African Art (1FVLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour (6th L)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
7:00pmTable Games (VLC)
8:00amCW: Wear Red with your Friends! (1FVLC)
8:00amHappy Culture Week! Theme Friendship (1FVLC)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amFind the Hidden Objects in the Photos (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amResident Store Open (1 FLOOR)
11:30amHappy National Friendship Day! Let's Make Friendship Bracelets! (1FVLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amHangman Word Game! (VLC)
11:45amMusic with Alexa in the VLC! (1FVLC)
11:50amWater Room Plants! (VLC)
1:00pmTed Talk Tuesdays (VLC)
1:30pmPo-Ke-No Games! (5 floor)
2:30pmResident Council (VLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour and Performance from Fred McCarty (1FMDR)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
8:00amCW: Wear Black History Colors! (1FVLC)
8:00amHappy Culture Week! Theme Friendship (1FVLC)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amResident Ambassador Meeting (1st Fl)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amDIY Valentine's Day Cards!
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amArts and Crafts! (1FVLC)
12:00pmFriends Re-runs! (1FVLC)
12:00pmConcert Showing!
1:30pmFlower Arranging! (AR)
1:30pmMoney Bingo (5 floor)
3:00pmHappy Hour and Black History Performance from Larrie and London! (6th L)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
8:00amCW: Twin Day! (1FVLC)
8:00amHappy Culture Week! Theme Friendship (1FVLC)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amStretch Class! (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:00amPaint and Sip (VLC)
11:30amResident Store Open (1 FLOOR)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
12:00pmSpot The Difference in the Pictures! (1FVLC)
12:00pmTech Help! (1ST FL)
2:00pmPower Half Hour with Tom (VLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour and National Cheddar Cheese Day! (6FSL)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
8:00amCW: Friendship Bracelet Day! (1FVLC)
8:00amHappy Culture Week! Theme Friendship (1FVLC)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amCome and Cook with the VLC! Boat Dip Recipe (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amMake and Hand out Valentines Day Cards! (1FVLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amPhotography and Develops! (1FVLC)
11:30amStories of The Week! (VLC)
12:00pmBallet Showings! (VLC)
1:30pmValentines Day Sweet Bingo! (1ST FL)
2:30pmColoring Extravaganza! (1FVLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour Karaoke Fridays! (6th Fl)
4:00pm Crossword Puzzle Led by Staff (6th Fl)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amChair Yoga with Karuna (1FVLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
12:00pmDraw The Image! (VLC)
1:00pmDocumentary Showings! (VLC)
1:30pm Sweet Bingo (5th GR)
2:00pmTea and Coffee Social (VLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour (1 FLOOR)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amRiddle Sunday! (VLC)
1:00pmPoetry Class with Ralph (6th Fl)
1:30pmSweet Bingo (5th GR)
3:00pmGin Rummy Card Game! (VLC)
3:00pmLet's Organize The Library (1FL)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amLet's Go Shopping! (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amDance Class with Leia (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amMemory Card Game! (VLC)
12:30pmMidday Meditation (1FVLC)
1:00pm Baking Class! (VLC)
2:30pmLet's Remember Historic Black History Events (1FVLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour (6th L)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
7:00pmTable Games (VLC)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amFind the Hidden Objects in the Photos (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amResident Store Open (1 FLOOR)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amHangman Word Game! (VLC)
11:45amMusic with Alexa in the VLC! (1FVLC)
11:50amWater Room Plants! (VLC)
1:00pmTed Talk Tuesdays (VLC)
1:30pmPo-Ke-No Games! (5 floor)
2:30pmFood For Thought (1st fl)
3:00pmHappy Hour and Birthday Celebration with Performance from Todd! (6th L)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amBrain Fitness with California Game Girls (1FVLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amArts and Crafts! (1FVLC)
12:00pmConcert Showing!
1:00pmNational Chocolate Mint Day (1FVLC)
1:30pmFlower Arranging! (AR)
1:30pmMoney Bingo (5 floor)
3:00pmHappy Hour! Crossword Wednesday (6FSL)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amStretch Class! (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:00amPaint and Sip (VLC)
11:30amResident Store Open (1 FLOOR)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
12:00pmSpot The Difference in the Pictures! (1FVLC)
12:00pmTech Help! (1ST FL)
2:00pmPower Half Hour with Tom (VLC)
2:30pmLearn about the cultural significance of traditional African American dishes (1FVLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour! Trivia Thursday (6th Fl)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amCome and Cook with the VLC! Million Dollar BLT Dip (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amPhotography and Develops! (1FVLC)
12:00pmBallet Showings! (VLC)
2:30pmExercise with Ziv (1FVLC)
2:30pmColoring Extravaganza! (1FVLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour Karaoke Fridays! (6th Fl)
4:00pm Crossword Puzzle Led by Staff (6th Fl)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amChair Yoga with Karuna (1FVLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
12:00pmDraw The Image! (VLC)
1:00pmDocumentary Showings! (VLC)
1:30pm Sweet Bingo (5th GR)
3:00pmNational Margarita Day Happy Hour! (6FSL)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amRiddle Sunday! (VLC)
12:00pmHappy National Banana Bread Day! (1FVLC)
12:00pmTech Help! (VLC)
1:00pmPoetry Class with Ralph (6th Fl)
1:30pmSweet Bingo (5th GR)
3:00pmGin Rummy Card Game! (VLC)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amLet's Go Shopping! (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amMemory Card Game! (VLC)
12:30pmMidday Meditation (1FVLC)
1:00pm Baking Class! (VLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour (6th L)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
7:00pmTable Games (VLC)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amFind the Hidden Objects in the Photos (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amResident Store Open (1 FLOOR)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amHangman Word Game! (VLC)
11:45amMusic with Alexa in the VLC! (1FVLC)
11:50amWater Room Plants! (VLC)
1:00pmTed Talk Tuesdays (VLC)
1:30pmPo-Ke-No Games! (5 floor)
2:30pmTown Hall (MDR)
3:00pmNew Resident Meet and Greet Happy Hour! With a Belly Dancing Performance from Nicole (1ST FL)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amArts and Crafts! (1FVLC)
12:00pmConcert Showing!
1:30pmFlower Arranging! (AR)
1:30pmMoney Bingo (5 floor)
2:30pmSpelling Bee Competition! (1FVLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour! Crossword Wednesday (6FSL)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amStretch Class! (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:00amPaint and Sip (VLC)
11:30amResident Store Open (1 FLOOR)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
12:00pmSpot The Difference in the Pictures! (1FVLC)
12:00pmTech Help! (1ST FL)
2:00pmPower Half Hour with Tom (VLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour! Trivia Thursday (6th Fl)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)
9:00amMorning News (VLC)
10:00amArm Chair Travel (VLC)
10:30amCome and Cook with the VLC! 7 Layer Dip (1FVLC)
10:50amMorning Meditation (VLC)
11:00amMove and Groove (VLC)
11:30amWord Unscrambles! (VLC)
11:30amPhotography and Develops! (1FVLC)
11:30amStories of The Week! (VLC)
12:00pmBallet Showings! (VLC)
2:30pmBlack History Month Movies! (1FVLC)
2:30pmColoring Extravaganza! (1FVLC)
3:00pmHappy Hour Karaoke Fridays! (6th Fl)
4:00pm Crossword Puzzle Led by Staff (6th Fl)
6:30pmEvening Movie (3rd fl)