Sunday Crosswords (DR)
10:00amCookie Baking (AR)
10:30amSolstice Church Service (TV)
11:30amLet's Play Pool (GL)
1:30pmPamper and Polish (AR)
3:30pmChair Yoga (TV)
4:00pmJeopardy (GL)
Labor Day
10:00amBeanbag Baseball (GL)
11:00amZumba with Mirian (AT)
11:15amTech Help with Emilie (AR)
12:00pmDonuts for Labor Day (AT)
2:00pmMonday Matinee (TV)
2:00pmShopping Shuttle - South Bellingham (B)
4:00pmChronology (AR)
Victory over Japan Day
Nametag Tuesday!
9:00amAppointments Shuttle 9am-3pm (B)
10:00amSilver Sneakers (AT)
11:00amSolstice Singers (TV)
12:00pmThe Fun Forecast (DR)
2:00pmBingo (TV)
3:30pmVibrant Life Meeting and Outing Registration (TV)
7:00pmTuesday Documentary: "Fighter Aces of World War II: Victory in the Pacific" (TV)
10:00amCardio Drumming (TV)
10:00amBeanbag Baseball (GL)
11:15amTech Help with Emilie (AR)
12:30pmWaffle Wednesday (DR)
2:00pmResident/Directors Meeting (AT)
4:00pmPub Night (GL)
7:00pmMovie Night (TV)
10:00amSilver Sneakers (AT)
11:00amCoffee and Conversation (GL)
11:30amOuting - Lunch at Anthony's (B)
2:30pmTai Chi (TV)
3:00pm Jazz with Bob Sanders (DR)
4:00pmGiant Bowling (AT)
Adult Coloring (GL)
10:00amCardio Drumming (TV)
10:00amBeanbag Baseball Batting Practice (GL)
10:00amHoagland Pharmacy COVID-19/Flu Vaccine Clinic (AT)
10:00amShopping Shuttle - North Bellingham (B)
2:00pmMoments in Time Writers Group (LI)
3:00pmTed Talk: "Trained not to cry: the challenge of being a soldier" (TV)
4:00pmGrandparent's Day Sundae Soiree with Lou Lippman (AT)
9:30amSaturday Morning Stretches (AT)
10:00amMen's Group (GL)
10:00amOur Daily Bread (LI)
10:30amThe Solstice Shoppe (AR)
2:30pmTai Chi (TV)
3:00pmSolstice Social Hour (GL)
7:00pmMovie Night (TV)
National Grandparents Day
Sunday Crosswords (DR)
10:30amSolstice Church Service (TV)
11:30amLet's Play Pool (GL)
1:05pmSeahawks vs Broncos (AT)
2:00pmAxe Throwing (AR)
3:30pmChair Yoga (TV)
4:00pmAfternoon Tea (GL)
Culture Week Starts - Celebrate Disney
10:00amBeanbag Baseball (GL)
11:00amGroove and Move Fitness Class (TV)
12:00pmDisney Photobooth (AT)
2:00pmMonday Matinee: "Emma" (TV)
2:00pmShopping Shuttle - South Bellingham (B)
3:00pmGenerations Daycare Visit (AT)
4:00pmChronology (AR)
Disney Character Dress-Up Day
Nametag Tuesday!
9:00amAppointments Shuttle 9am-3pm (B)
10:00amSilver Sneakers (AT)
11:00amSolstice Singers (TV)
12:00pmThe Fun Forecast (DR)
2:00pmBingo (TV)
3:30pmSolstice Book Club (LI)
7:00pmTuesday Documentary: "Good Night Oppy" (TV)
Patriot Day
10:00amCardio Drumming (TV)
10:00amBeanbag Baseball (GL)
11:00amOuting - Joe's Garden (B)
12:30pmMoment of Silence for 9/11 (DR)
2:00pmResident Council Meeting (TV)
4:00pmOnce Upon A Cocktail Hour (GL)
7:00pmMovie Night: "The Kentuckian" (TV)
10:00amSilver Sneakers (AT)
11:00amCoffee and Conversation (GL)
2:00pmSingo: Musical Bingo! (AT)
2:30pmTai Chi (TV)
3:00pm Jazz with Bob Sanders (DR)
4:00pmADEA Presentation with Douglas McFalls (AT)
Adult Coloring (GL)
10:00amCardio Drumming (TV)
10:00amBeanbag Baseball Batting Practice (GL)
10:00amShopping Shuttle - North Bellingham (B)
11:00amDisney Watercolor Painting (AR)
2:00pmLocal Author Book Reading: Michael Impero (AT)
4:00pmPops n Popcorn Featuring JP Falcon (AT)
9:30amSaturday Morning Stretches (AT)
10:00amMen's Group (GL)
2:30pmTai Chi (TV)
3:00pmSolstice Social Hour - September Birthday Party (GL)
6:30pmOuting - Sunset at Boulevard Park (B)
7:00pmMovie Night: "Lawrence of Arabia" (TV)
Hispanic Heritage Month Starts
Sunday Crosswords (DR)
10:00amCookie Baking (AR)
10:00amSeahawks vs Patriots (AT)
10:30amSolstice Church Service (TV)
11:30amLet's Play Pool (GL)
2:00pmSpa Demo with The Dahlia Day Spa & Art Gallery (TV)
3:30pmChair Yoga (TV)
4:00pmJeopardy (GL)
10:00amBeanbag Baseball (GL)
11:00amZumba with Mirian (AT)
2:00pmMonday Matinee (TV)
2:00pmShopping Shuttle - South Bellingham (B)
3:00pmGenerations Daycare Visit (AT)
4:00pmChronology (AR)
Constitution Day
Nametag Tuesday!
9:00amAppointments Shuttle 9am-3pm (B)
10:00amSilver Sneakers (AT)
11:00amSolstice Singers (TV)
12:00pmThe Fun Forecast (DR)
12:15pmAmbassador Club Meeting and Luncheon (AR)
2:00pmBingo (TV)
4:30pmEden Health Blood Pressure Clinic (AT)
7:00pmTuesday Documentary (TV)
Air Force Birthday
10:00amCardio Drumming (TV)
10:00amBeanbag Baseball (GL)
2:00pmNew Resident Orientation (TV)
4:00pmFiesta Latina (GL)
7:00pmMovie Night (TV)
9:30amOuting - Silver Reef Casino (B)
10:00amGentle Chair Exercises Video (TV)
11:00amCoffee and Conversation (GL)
2:00pm Jazz with Bob Sanders (DR)
2:30pmTai Chi (TV)
4:00pmGiant Bowling (AT)
National POW/MIA Recognition Day
Adult Coloring (GL)
10:00amCardio Drumming (TV)
10:00amBeanbag Baseball Batting Practice (GL)
10:00amShopping Shuttle - North Bellingham (B)
2:00pmMoments in Time Writers Group (LI)
2:30pmMount Baker Theater Presentation (AT)
4:00pmPops n Popcorn Featuring Blair O' Brien (AT)
5:15pmOuting - Chuckanut Cracked Crab Dinner Cruise (B)
9:30amSaturday Morning Stretches (AT)
10:00amMen's Group (GL)
10:00amOur Daily Bread (LI)
10:30amThe Solstice Shoppe (AR)
2:00pmArt Workshop with Joli Winsett (AR)
2:30pmTai Chi (TV)
3:00pmSolstice Social Hour (GL)
7:00pmMovie Night (TV)
Sunday Crosswords (DR)
10:30amSolstice Church Service (TV)
11:30amLet's Play Pool (GL)
1:05pmSeahawks vs Dolphins (AT)
2:00pmAxe Throwing (AR)
3:30pmChair Yoga (TV)
4:00pmAfternoon Tea (GL)
10:00amBeanbag Baseball (GL)
11:00amGroove and Move Fitness Class (TV)
11:30amThis Is Your Life - Anne Burley (AT)
2:00pmMonday Matinee (TV)
2:00pmShopping Shuttle - South Bellingham (B)
3:00pmGenerations Daycare Visit (AT)
4:00pmChronology (AR)
Nametag Tuesday!
9:00amAppointments Shuttle 9am-3pm (B)
10:00amSilver Sneakers (AT)
11:00amSolstice Singers (TV)
12:00pmThe Fun Forecast (DR)
1:30pmPodiatry with Dr. Shaefor (TV)
2:00pmBingo (AT)
7:00pmTuesday Documentary (TV)
10:00amCardio Drumming (TV)
10:00amBeanbag Baseball (GL)
2:00pmFood For Thought (AT)
4:00pmShredding (AR)
4:00pmBYOB (GL)
7:00pmMovie Night (TV)
10:00amSilver Sneakers (AT)
11:00amCoffee and Conversation (GL)
2:00pmFall Prevention Presentation with Eden Health (AT)
2:30pmTai Chi (TV)
3:00pm Jazz with Bob Sanders (DR)
4:00pmSingo: Musical Bingo! (AT)
6:30pmOuting - Mariachi Herencia de Mexico at Mount Baker Theatre (B)
Adult Coloring (GL)
10:00amCardio Drumming (TV)
10:00amBeanbag Baseball Batting Practice (GL)
10:00amShopping Shuttle - North Bellingham (B)
2:00pmOpen Watercolor Studio (AR)
3:00pmTed Talk: What Being Hispanic and Latinx Means in the United States (TV)
4:00pmPops n Popcorn Featuring Bo Bestvina (AT)
9:30amSaturday Morning Stretches (AT)
10:00amMen's Group (GL)
10:00amOuting - Scenic Drive to Acme (B)
2:30pmTai Chi (TV)
3:00pmSolstice Social Hour (GL)
7:00pmMovie Night (TV)
Gold Star Mother's Day
Sunday Crosswords (DR)
10:00amCookie Baking (AR)
10:30amSolstice Church Service (TV)
11:00amMemory Poppy Garland Crafting (AR)
1:30pmPamper and Polish (AR)
3:30pmChair Yoga (TV)
4:00pmJeopardy (GL)
10:00amBeanbag Baseball (GL)
11:00amZumba with Mirian (AT)
2:00pmMonday Matinee (TV)
2:00pmShopping Shuttle - South Bellingham (B)
3:00pmGenerations Daycare Visit (AT)
4:00pmChronology (AR)
| LOCATION Activity Room (AR) Atrium (AT) Bus (B) Dining Room (DR) Game Loft (GL) Library (LI) Theater (TV) |
Be Adventurous
Be Challenged
Be Connected
Be Family
Be Inspired
Be Social
Be Well
One Challenge
One Reflection
One Step
This is Your Life
Vibrant Life Inspires
Ambassador Club
Gold Key Club
Traditions To Table
Food For Thought