LOCATION Bistro (B) Bus Trip (BT) Courtyard (CY) Dining Room (DR) Game Room (Second Floor) (GR) Game Room (GR) Residents Room (RR) Small Living Room (SLR) Theater Rm (First Floor) (TH) Theater Room (TH) Theater Room (TR) Vibrant Life 1 (VL1) |
LOCATION Vibrant Life 1/Art and Baking Room (First Floor) (G) Vibrant Life 1/Art and Baking Room (First Floor) (VL1) Vibrant Life 2 (VL2) |
Be Adventurous
Be Challenged
Be Connected
Be Family
Be Inspired
Be Social
Be Well
Traditions To Table
Food For Thought
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:30amChair Yoga & Meditation with Manisha (VL2)
11:00amWhat's in a Word! (GR)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmSing Along with Christy! (VL1)
3:00pmQuarter Bingo!!!! (Please bring up to $3 of Quarters for bingo) (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmBlock Buster Movie Night (TH)
Groundhog Day!
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amThis day in History - Trivia (VL1)
10:30amTV Church Service (TH)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmChess Demo and game! (VL1)
1:00pmPraise Music Ministry (DR)
1:00pmMatinee Movie - Groundhog Day! (TH)
2:00pmIce Cream Sundae Social with Rita & Joel (B)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmCards with Friends! (GR)
National Carrot Cake Day!
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amThis day in History (VL1)
10:30amMoving & Grooving with Dolores (VL2)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmNEW Jigsaw Puzzle & Hooked on Yarn!! (GR)
2:00pmDrummercise! (VL1)
3:00pmBINGO!!! (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmQuarter - Right, Left, Center game (VL1)
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:00amTrivial Pursuit of Happiness (VL1)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amPraying the Rosary (TH)
10:30amMoving & Grooving with Dolores (VL2)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmBible Study! (TH)
2:30pmRoot Beer Floats! (B)
3:15pmActivities Planning Meeting (VL1)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmMovie Time with Friends (TH)
World Nutella Day!
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amThis day in History (VL1)
10:30amExercise class with Empowerme (VL2)
11:00amHymn Singing with Chaplain Greg (DR)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmCraft class (VL1)
3:00pmBINGO with Ashley/Brookdale @ Home (GR)
3:00pmBINGO!!! (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
9:30amShopping Trip to Walmart (BT)
10:00amPet Therapy (SLR)
10:15amCatholic Communion (Christ the Redeemer) (RR)
10:30amExercise with Liz/Bristol Hospice (GR)
11:00amGifts by Gena & Scentsy vendors (SLR)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmPretty Nails w/ Yasmin - Touching Hearts @ Home (B)
2:00pmBunco!! (VL1)
3:30pmSing Along with Susie Q & Others!! (VL1)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmCards with Friends! (GR)
Wear Red for Heart!
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amCommunity Walk for Heart! Wear Red. (SLR)
10:00amMorning Gathering (VL1)
10:30amExercise class with Empowerme (VL2)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
2:00pmBINGO!!! (GR)
3:00pmHappy Hour with Bryan Stone! (DR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:30pmBible Study-Cypress Fellowship (GR)
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amKathy's Tops & Jewelry Sale (DR)
10:30amChair Yoga & Meditation with Manisha (VL2)
11:00amWhat's in a Word! (GR)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmCy-Woods Garden Club!! (VL1)
2:00pmJeopardy with Isabella/Cy Woods HS (GR)
3:00pmQuarter Bingo!!!! (Please bring up to $3 of Quarters for bingo) (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmBlock Buster Movie Night (TH)
Super Bowl Sunday!
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amThis day in History - Trivia (VL1)
10:30amTV Church Service (TH)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmScrabble with Friends (VL1)
1:00pmPraise Music Ministry (DR)
2:00pmIce Cream Sundae Social with Rita & Joel (B)
3:00pmMovie Matinee (TR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmCards with Friends! (GR)
Culture Week - February Friendships!
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
9:30amCurrent Events with Martina (B)
10:00amThis day in History (VL1)
10:30amMoving & Grooving with Dolores (VL2)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmNEW Jigsaw Puzzle & Hooked on Yarn!! (GR)
2:00pmDrummercise! (VL1)
3:00pmBINGO!!! (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmQuarter - Right, Left, Center game (VL1)
Peppermint Patty Day!
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:00amTrivial Pursuit of Happiness (VL1)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amPraying the Rosary (TH)
10:30amMoving & Grooving with Dolores (VL2)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmBible Study! (VL1)
2:30pmDominos Game (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmRomance Movie Night with Christy & Dolores! (TH)
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amThis day in History (VL1)
10:30amExercise class with Empowerme (VL2)
11:00amHymn Singing with Chaplain Greg (DR)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmPainting Class (VL1)
3:00pm BINGO!!! (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmValentine's Scavenger Hunt!
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:00amDevotional with Chaplain Bagwell/Encompass (TH)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amPet Therapy (SLR)
10:15amCatholic Communion (Christ the Redeemer) (RR)
10:30amExercise with Liz/Bristol Hospice (GR)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmGalentine's Nails with Yasmin! (VL1)
3:00pmFor the Love of Chocolate - Valentine's Event with Guillermo Serpasl! (DR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmCards with Friends! (GR)
PV A&M community service - "Collision 100" & "Sisters Improving Sisters"
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
9:30amKinsmen Lutheran Middle School Service (VL1)
10:00amMorning Gathering (VL1)
10:00amErrand Run (BT)
10:30amExercise class with Empowerme (VL2)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmThe Baker's Table (VL1)
2:00pmBINGO!!! (GR)
3:00pmValentine's Happy Hour with Friends! (DR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:30pmBible Study-Cypress Fellowship (GR)
Red Socks Day!
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
9:30amSt. Steven Church "Helping Hands" Game Day! (VL1)
10:30amChair Yoga & Meditation with Manisha (VL2)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmWhat's in a Word! (GR)
2:00pmJeopardy with Isabella/Cy Woods HS (GR)
3:00pmQuarter Bingo!!!! (Please bring up to $3 of Quarters for bingo) (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmBlock Buster Movie Night (TH)
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amThis day in History - Trivia (VL1)
10:30amTV Church Service (TH)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmScrabble with Friends (VL1)
1:00pmPraise Music Ministry (DR)
2:00pmIce Cream Sundae Social with Rita & Joel (B)
3:30pmWords within Words (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmCards with Friends! (GR)
Presidents' Day!
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amThis day in History (VL1)
10:30amMoving & Grooving with Dolores (VL2)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmNEW Jigsaw Puzzle & Hooked on Yarn!! (GR)
2:00pmDrummercise! (VL1)
3:00pmBINGO!!! (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmQuarter - Right, Left, Center game (VL1)
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:00amTrivial Pursuit of Happiness (VL1)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amPraying the Rosary (TH)
10:00amMusic Therapy with Paul! (G)
11:00amMoving & Grooving with Dolores! (VL2)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmBible Study! (TH)
2:30pmUniversal Yums - Spain! Ole! (VL1)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmMovie Time with Friends (TH)
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amThis day in History (VL1)
10:30amExercise class with Empowerme (VL2)
11:00amHymn Singing with Chaplain Greg (DR)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmMusicology with Zachary! (VL1)
2:00pmChef Chat (DR)
3:00pmBINGO!!! (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
Cherry Pie Day!
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
9:30amShopping @ Kroger (BT)
10:00amPet Therapy (SLR)
10:15amCatholic Communion (Christ the Redeemer) (RR)
10:30amExercise with Liz/Bristol Hospice (GR)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmPretty Nails w/ Yasmin - Touching Hearts @ Home (B)
2:00pmWhat's in a Word! (GR)
3:30pmSing Along with Susie Q & Others!! (VL1)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmCards with Friends! (GR)
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amMorning Gathering (VL1)
10:30amExercise class with Empowerme (VL2)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
2:00pmBINGO!!! (GR)
3:00pmHappy Hour Texas style with Jon Dameron! (DR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:30pmBible Study-Cypress Fellowship (GR)
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:30amChair Yoga & Meditation with Manisha (VL2)
11:00amWhat's in a Word! (GR)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
12:00pmBelles from Prairie View A&M Service Day!
1:00pmCy-Woods Garden Club!! (VL1)
2:00pmJeopardy with Isabella/Cy Woods HS (GR)
3:00pmQuarter Bingo!!!! (Please bring up to $3 of Quarters for bingo) (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmBlock Buster Movie Night (TH)
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amThis day in History - Trivia (VL1)
10:30amTV Church Service (TH)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmScrabble with Friends (VL1)
1:00pmPraise Music Ministry (DR)
1:00pm Praise Music Ministry (DR)
2:00pmIce Cream Sundae Social with Rita & Joel (B)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmCards with Friends! (GR)
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amThis day in History (VL1)
10:30amMoving & Grooving with Dolores (VL2)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmNEW Jigsaw Puzzle & Hooked on Yarn!! (GR)
2:00pmDrummercise! (VL1)
3:00pmBINGO!!! (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmQuarter - Right, Left, Center game (VL1)
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:00amTrivial Pursuit of Happiness (VL1)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amChicken Coop Dice Game with Tobie Jo! (VL1)
10:00amPraying the Rosary (TH)
10:30amMoving & Grooving with Dolores (VL2)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmBible Study! (TH)
2:30pmDominos Game (GR)
3:30pmLadies Tea Party w/Jana from Amedisys (VL1)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmMovie Time with Friends (TH)
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:00am Donuts Social (CY)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amThis day in History (VL1)
10:30amExercise class with Empowerme (VL2)
11:00amHymn Singing with Chaplain Greg (DR)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:30pmDevotional with Dolores (TH)
2:00pmBunco!! (VL1)
3:00pmBingo with Ashley/Brookdale @ Home (GR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmFamily Night - Theme: Rodeo (DR)
Kahlua Day!
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amPet Therapy (SLR)
10:15amCatholic Communion (Christ the Redeemer) (RR)
10:30amExercise with Liz/Bristol Hospice (GR)
11:00amChurch Service Chaplain Greg (TH)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmPretty Nails w/ Yasmin - Touching Hearts @ Home (B)
2:00pmTown Hall with Martina (DR)
3:00pmResident Council Meeting (TH)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:00pmCards with Friends! (GR)
Go Texan Day! Wear your best rodeo attire.
7:30amBreakfast (DR)
9:30amWalking Club (SLR)
10:00amMorning Gathering (VL1)
10:30amExercise class with Empowerme (VL2)
10:45amLunch outing to La Maria - Mexican Restaurant (BT)
11:30amLunch Time (DR)
1:00pmFarkle Game! (VL1)
2:00pmBINGO!!! (GR)
3:00pmHappy Hour Karaoke Texas style & Birthday Celebration! (DR)
4:30pmDinner (DR)
6:30pmBible Study-Cypress Fellowship (GR)
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